Donate to Help the new Reform gosport branch
Help us to help you, here in Gosport!
About Your Donations, Where & How They are used!
Leaflets are expensive and depending on size can cost anywhere between £150 to £400 per a ward.
For the General Election we have one leaflet delivered for us by the Royal Mail. We have to pay for the leaflet but for any others we hand deliver them if there are enough people or we pay a delivery company which can be between £100 – £200 per a ward.
At times Candidates have to give talks, attend meetings or hold surgeries. This can be costly having to hire venues etc.
Reform Party uk
We welcome you to join Reform UK and the fee you pay to join goes to the main Party but any other donations through this website goes to the Reform Gosport Branch (RGB).
Gosport needs Reform
We can make Britain great again. To do this, reform is essential in the way our country is run and managed, so it works properly for the people.